How to Dissolve Dog Poop in Your Yard?

To keep healthy and safe ourselves, we have to clean our area in a proper way. Because dirty place always creates harmful things those make us unhealthy and unsafe. In that case we have to be more careful when we have a pet in our home.

Some doggy lovers always being tensed with this question, ‘How they dissolve their dog poop from yard properly?’ So, this article is only for them who find this question answer and just hope it will also help for the new comer who start to pet a dog.

Cleaning up dog waste is not a big deal just follow some techniques and make easy the maintenance. You can dissolve dog poop from yard in a different way. Collect the necessary tools for pickup including gloves, bags, pooper scooper and paper towel and select the proper disposal way that you prefer and most important must be safe for you.

You can choose different dissolving way like burying, flushing, composting etc. Removing dog poop in very important for us as well as our pet also. If we don’t clean up them, they might spread harmful bacteria and bad odor those causes breakneck diseases. Its roundworm larvae can cause blindness in children. For this, we have to fix our time and frequency to dissolve dog poop regularly.

Things to Consider Before Dissolving Dogs Poop

It’s very important to consider the risks of leaving pet poop in our yard, even if we are dissolving them improperly. Actually, it can carry many types of parasites and pathogens, who’s posing a threat of ourselves as well as our pets too.  Some potential hazards come from dog poop:

1. Bacteria:

This poop consists of various harmful bacteria like E. Coli and Salmonella both of which cause gastrointestinal distress in animals and human body.

2. Parasites:

Tapeworms, hookworms and roundworms are very harmful parasites which comes from dog poops. They are very dangerous and can easily transmittable to other animals and humans.

3. Bad Odors:

If you left dog poop in your yard for long time like a week or more days it will be a great source of bad odor.

4. Pests:

Flies, rats and raccoons are some annoying pests who’s easily attracted by dog poops. Those carry and spread harmful germ and thus causing further problems.

5. Nutrients:

Pet poop contains high level of nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen. This can highly pollute groundwater as well as surface of the yard.

How to Dissolve Dog Poop from Yard?

Luckily, we have several ways to deal with pet poop in a proper way. Here impending some efficient way to deal with pet poop easily, those also prefer you a clean and comfortable yard.  Fortunately, have varied options like Gardening Lime, White Vinegar, Enzyme dissolver, Backing soda & peppermint oil, Bleach etc.

1. Gardening Lime:

Garden Lime, a most available dissolving agent, you can buy this product in a range budget. Using process is also easy but you have to be more careful when you apply them to dissolve any dirty things. It’s a very caustic agent that can burn our skin and dog’s paws too.

Not so expensive but eliminate harmful things very well. A natural solution with fresh and overwhelming smell that is a great odor eliminator.

A cup of lime will be enough to dissolve the normal size dog poop. Must wear a glove when you sprinkle it on the dog poo and urine. It will take a couple of days to work completely.

Moral word is its available, well dissolver, clean germ in a proper way but sensitive for the skin so be careful while try.

2. Enzyme Dissolver:

Enzyme dissolver, a cleaner product specially made to wash pet poop. Helps to remove worst stains and smells permanently. Eliminate dog waste without too much hassle and mess that why users considered it as the best choice of dissolver.

Best thing of this product is that it breaks down organic materials through natural chemical reactions because they contain plant-based enzyme and it’s so much helpful for the plants to absorb the nutrients.

Just spraying this enzyme onto the poop and wait for the magic. You might have to use this twice to get better result but it will give you 100% guarantee of cleaning.

You can try this because it has no side effects ever, even very helpful for plant and maintain duty efficiently.

3. White vinegar:

Relatively safe option for use and inexpensive process also. And also safe for pet as well, no matter if you use this around the yard. But it will being a little problem if dog consume this vinegar, because it can lead stomach upset. So, don’t use too much vinegar on grass, just pour a perfect amount on pet poo. You have to mix them with water with 50/50 consistency before use. Mix them accurately and spray them on desired thing.

Actually, it’s a simple agent and affordable too but works little slowly than another dissolver. Make poop little tender but not totally dry them, dissolve them but quite slowly. When you have different kinds of pet and face a large amount of poop in your yard daily, I am not interested to suggest you to prefer vinegar for this job at all. It’s just suitable for a simple amount of pet poo.

Good things are, its an anti-bacterial, anti-septic, germ and odor killer dissolver. Also helps to neutralizing PH and remove poo stain. Huh! You know time is worth. So, choose this type of dissolver if you have such time.

4. Backing Soda & Peppermint Oil:

Actually, it’s a homemade dog poop dissolver, nicely kill all bacteria, vanish bad odors quickly and dry out poop so fast. You need two ingredients here one is baking soda whish is available in our house and the other is peppermint oil. Pick one handful baking soda and 15 drops peppermint oil in a bowl and start the mixing process. After mixing pour them onto the poop in a required way.

Will dissolve your dog poop in a way just like a natural process. Noticeable thing is it will turn poop color white and so hard. Now the fact is, if you have good baking soda and peppermint oil in your home you can apply this process for once. I think it will not disappoint you at all. Because it’s a homemade process but provide high beneficial probability.

5. Bleach:

Bleach, a strong chemical that reason it should dilute before spilling anywhere. Let stay for a few minutes and scoop up that, finally dispose of the droppings. Because of powerful chemical you should stay away yourself and beloved pet from this. You have to be more careful while you apply that for any work.

Clean all type of germ very carefully and dissolve them like a finishing process. If you prefer this anyway, please be more attentive and use this in a moderate level.

What You Can Do with Your Dog Poop?

Use Plastic Bags for cleaning up dog poop:

Most common elements of cleaning up pet poop because its available in every area or locations, easy & safe to use. Sometimes one plastic bag can’t cover poop properly specially when pet makes liquid mess. This time you need two or three more bag to secure cleaning process perfectly. So, you can use plastic bag to clean your daily pet poop which is better than to leave poop in the yard.

       Actually, it’s not so good idea, I can suggest you some compostable and strong bags like Biodegradable poop bags. They are standard, available and relatively better alternative option. Its other good thing is it can stay last long than usable plastic bags. Just picking up the poop and throw them suitable place.

Now choice is yours, which one you prefer.

Flush it down the toilet

Flush down is another easy process of cleaning up dog poop. It’s a better option than throwing the poo in the can. When you collect the poop by a bag, before throwing them in the toilet you must open the bag. It’s essential to open the bag before because it would clog your pipe eventually. That why, it would better if you throw this bag other trash box, because all bags are not suitable to throw in the toilet.

In this case, note point is that, you can not apply this process for all type of pets like cat. Cat poop contains parasites called ‘Toxoplasmosis’ that provides various harmful germs. So, before apply follow the restrictions before.

Luckily, you can use this process for your dog poop. Won’t create any problem if you flash down it properly.

Use Pooper scooper:

Pooper scooper a standard and classical tool for all pet owners. Specifically made for picking up pet poop from garden or yard. It’s very helpful because offers different sizes as well as brands those can be used for all situations. You can use news papers, bags to pick up the poop but I recommend you to use this scooper. Basically, save you from germs greatly, very easy to clean, pick up waste perfectly.

YOU can use it instead of poly bags when you want to flash pet poop in the toilet.

Infect price is also affordable, so try this one for having such facilities.

Composting dog poop:

It’s possible to compose dog poop but requires various conditions as well. To stop the increasing possibility of parasites you have to follow some rules. This process will be safe when you use specific composting bin which helps to destroy germs, pollutants, bad smell and most important breaks down the poop safely.

Compose dog poop is not suitable for all time because it might not destroy properly all time and might spread several harmful bacteria those are being riskier for us as well as our pets too. If you have no proper place to compose pet poo just ignore this process for safety.

Burry the poop:

Probably the easiest way to clean up the pet poop. Simple process but do this with care, if you don’t burry them with well-planned it would discover for little reason like rain and start spreading harmful germs. So, when you burry them it must be deep as much as possible to stop spreading germs.  Burry them in a safe place where children’s and pets not play normally.

Some Key Words:

  • Healthy life is the first priority to us for all the time. So, keep clean your home yard, garden, park to enjoy healthy life. Having a pet is not a problem actually, but it be our best for some time. So, take care yourself and your pet also.
  • Try to take a short time from your schedule to clean your pet poop daily. Use proper dissolver which can dissolve dust quickly. Or follow specific process of cleaning up pet poop.
  • Pet owners should put necessary products of cleaning and dissolving poop at home.
  • If you feel like your pet not go well that means its poop is not like normal, instantly go for a doctor to have proper treatment. Because unwell pet poop is very dangerous than good pet poop. They require more harmful things which can provide breakneck diseases. So, be careful about your pet and its poop too.

Frequent Asked Questions May Help You

Q1: How long does it take to decompose dog poop?

Dog poop can decompose within a weak and two months with proper conditions such as moisture, heat, microbes and oxygen. Colder weather slowdown this process but hot weather can do this work fast. It will take one week to break down the bacteria and other microorganisms.

Q2: Does dog poop make good fertilizer?

To be honest, dog poop is not a good fertilizer but now new technology makes us wrong. Now technology allow us to ferment dog poop and this process make dog poop such a nice fertilizer. This fermentation procedure helps to remove the toxic elements and left behind nutrient-rich soil.

But the fact is, this process is not available in all place of the world. So, if you don’t have the facilities don’t try to make dog poop as fertilizer. Because remove bad things from dog poop is not easy basically, and don’t use them on any plant at all.

Q3: What’s the best dog poop bags?

‘Mutt Mitt Dog Poop Bags’ made in USA. Its excellent, contain double thick plastic on the bottom, very easy to use. We will never come into direct contact with our pet poop accidently. For this reason, I can say its best.

Q4: Does dog poop dissolve in the rain?

Although rain is good for us in many reasons but in that case its very harmful. Dog poop contains many harmful germs and rains helps to keep them alive for long time. Moisture place is very beneficial for bacteria, in this time they started to rise their quantity. Also disturb in dissolving process. Infect heavy rainfall make poop turn runnier and this make the condition more unpleasant.


Dissolve pet poop is really important necessity to us. We can’t harm ourselves, our pets, our neighbors and also our environment too. Therefore, we have to try our best to clean pet poop properly, dissolve them by hock or by crock. Just pick a suitable process and work.

With this, we have to make sure to follow the laws in our area to confirm dissolving our dog’s poop is legal where we live. We can’t break the law and can’t let germs to live. So, confirm better maintenance and be safe.

Michael is the owner of Michael's Plumbing. He has experience over 15 years solved thousands of plumbing issues. 100% customer satisfaction made him best in this sector. Finally he decided to share his skills, experience and techniques through this PipesYard blog. Hopefully each and every post of this blog will be helpful for people seeking piping help.

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